베스트 셀러
Wrinkle Free Basic Silk Shirt
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[회원 전용] 399,999원 이상 구매시 스크런치 증정; 599,999원 이상 구매시 워시백 3개 증정!
색상:Natural White
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31 결과
- Oct 12, 2024퀄리티핏Verified BuyerBy TrustpilotFits a little large, but is gorgeous. Definitely not summer weight.
- Sep 04, 2024퀄리티핏Verified BuyerBy TrustpilotVery beautiful white shirt and comfortable wearing during Summer Season.It can also wear with skirts, pants and jeans that worths for the money.
- Aug 31, 2024퀄리티핏Verified BuyerBy TrustpilotThe quality of the silk and sewing is great. The fit is perfect. I absolutely love this blouse.
- Apr 21, 2024퀄리티핏Verified BuyerBy TrustpilotI am enjoying my silk shirt.
- Dec 26, 2023퀄리티핏Verified BuyerBy TrustpilotLength of arms are a bit long for me but not a deal breaker as I tend to roll up my sleeves anyway. The XL fit my wide shoulders, no gaping at the chest, overall a good fit. Love!
- Sep 26, 2023퀄리티핏Verified BuyerBy TrustpilotI have yet to were this blouse. A white LS silk blouse should be a classic staple in everyone’s wardrobe.
- May 30, 2023퀄리티핏Verified BuyerBy TrustpilotGreat fit, great material. Very elegant
- May 12, 2023퀄리티Verified BuyerBy TrustpilotI love it.
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